
Supratrochlear Foramen; Morphological Correlation and Clinical Significance in Western Maharashtrian Population
- Abstract
Objectives: A bony septum separates the coronoid and olecranon fossae of humerus. At times, it is perforated, forming the supratrochlear foramen (STF) of the humerus. This study was intended to find out presence of STF and its correlation with humerus length and epicondylar breadth in western Maharashtrian population. Materials and methods: The present study was done in the Department of Anatomy. Humerii were observed for presence or absence of STF. Humerus length and epicondylar breadth were measured by standard laboratory osteometric board and a Vernier Calliper respectively. Results and conclusion: Of a total of 113 bones that were taken for study, a foramen was observed in 30 bones, percentage prevalence 26.55%; 12/58 i.e. 20.69% on the right side and 18/55 i.e. 32.73% on left side. As prevalent in other studies for the same, it was found more commonly on the left side. A comparison of the dimensions of epicondylar breadth and humeral length in bones with STF and bones without STF was done using SPSS V16 software. Students T test and Chi Square test were applied. It was found that the Epicondylar Breadth was larger when the foramen was absent and Humerii with foramen present were shorter than those that had no foramina. This is the first of its kind of a study done for Western Maharashtrian population.